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6:30 Report

6:30 Report: Implications Of 7th Sawr Coup Reviewed

In 1973, ex-Afghan president Mohammad Daud, the cousin of former king of Afghanistan Mohammad Zahir, took over the political power after toppling him from the thrown in a bloodless coup.
However, Mohammad Daud was toppled after five years in power in a bloody coup in 7th of Sawr of 1357 (1978), which was plotted by members of People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA).
Daud and his family as well as his several bodyguards were killed in the coup inside the Presidential Palace now known as ARG.
In this episode of 6:30 Report, host Sayed Tariq Majidi has discussed the topic with a number of coup plotters, writers and historians about the main aspects of the coup and its impacts on Afghanistan’s political and social spheres. 

6:30 Report

6:30 Report: Implications Of 7th Sawr Coup Reviewed

In 1973, ex-Afghan president Mohammad Daud, the cousin of former king of Afghanistan Mohammad Zahir, took over the political power after toppling him from the thrown in a bloodless coup.
However, Mohammad Daud was toppled after five years in power in a bloody coup in 7th of Sawr of 1357 (1978), which was plotted by members of People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA).
Daud and his family as well as his several bodyguards were killed in the coup inside the Presidential Palace now known as ARG.
In this episode of 6:30 Report, host Sayed Tariq Majidi has discussed the topic with a number of coup plotters, writers and historians about the main aspects of the coup and its impacts on Afghanistan’s political and social spheres. 

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