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Selection Committee To Finish Its Work Within A Month

Yusuf Rashid, member of the Election Commissions' Selection Committee on Saturday said they will ‎complete their activities within the next month as scheduled.

"Now the [selection] committee has 500 applicants. The number of the applicants who cannot complete the requirements will go up. We will share the exact number in this respect within the next few days," he stated.

The selection committee started its work one week ago in order to select members of the Independent Election Commission (IEC) and the Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC).

The commission is expected to prepare a list of nominees for the IEC and the ECC and will send it to President Ashraf Ghani.

Meanwhile, reports indicate that most of members of the electoral monitoring organizations were absent at Saturday's session of the committee.‎

"Holding a few hours of meetings and discussions does not represent the start of activity by the Selection Committee," said Mohammad Naeem Ayubzada, head of Free and Fair Election Foundation of Afghanistan.

However, a number of political and jihadi figures who recently met with Ghani said they have no trust in the results of Selection Committee's activities.

"They [members of the Selection Committee] can send a list of nominees to the president. This is not satisfactory. Membership of the electoral commissions require experience and capacity, but those who have these two criteria are sidelined [by the committee]," said Mohammad Amin Waqad, member of the High Peace Council.

The Presidential Palace meanwhile said the Selection Committee is doing its job independently.

"Government is not involved in the process of selecting the commissioners [of the electoral commissions] and it does not interfere in this respect; it facilitates the process. The Selection Committee continues its activities freely and based on their procedures and requirements," said Shahussain Murtazawi, deputy spokesman for President Ghani.

The Selection Committee has one month to submit a list of 63 nominees to the Presidential Palace, from which the president will select members of IEC and ECC.

Selection Committee To Finish Its Work Within A Month

Yusuf Rashid, member of the Election Commissions' Selection Committee on Saturday said they will ‎


Yusuf Rashid, member of the Election Commissions' Selection Committee on Saturday said they will ‎complete their activities within the next month as scheduled.

"Now the [selection] committee has 500 applicants. The number of the applicants who cannot complete the requirements will go up. We will share the exact number in this respect within the next few days," he stated.

The selection committee started its work one week ago in order to select members of the Independent Election Commission (IEC) and the Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC).

The commission is expected to prepare a list of nominees for the IEC and the ECC and will send it to President Ashraf Ghani.

Meanwhile, reports indicate that most of members of the electoral monitoring organizations were absent at Saturday's session of the committee.‎

"Holding a few hours of meetings and discussions does not represent the start of activity by the Selection Committee," said Mohammad Naeem Ayubzada, head of Free and Fair Election Foundation of Afghanistan.

However, a number of political and jihadi figures who recently met with Ghani said they have no trust in the results of Selection Committee's activities.

"They [members of the Selection Committee] can send a list of nominees to the president. This is not satisfactory. Membership of the electoral commissions require experience and capacity, but those who have these two criteria are sidelined [by the committee]," said Mohammad Amin Waqad, member of the High Peace Council.

The Presidential Palace meanwhile said the Selection Committee is doing its job independently.

"Government is not involved in the process of selecting the commissioners [of the electoral commissions] and it does not interfere in this respect; it facilitates the process. The Selection Committee continues its activities freely and based on their procedures and requirements," said Shahussain Murtazawi, deputy spokesman for President Ghani.

The Selection Committee has one month to submit a list of 63 nominees to the Presidential Palace, from which the president will select members of IEC and ECC.

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